Jenna relishes playing every character she sinks her teeth into: from an ambitious coquette to a lonely seductress; from a Blake-obsessed librarian to a playful, ominous Chorus – that much the better when she plays them all in one production (Nellie/Rosa/Rosemary/Chorus in Summer & Smoke, Off West End Award-Nominated: BEST ENSEMBLE [Southwark Playhouse, London]). Other notables include a cheeky know-it-all in danger (Gwen in The Grid, NYCIFF-Winner: BEST PILOT); a doo-woppin', 1950s-Jersey City Italian teen (Girl/Group: A Daughter's Tale, LaMama, ETC); and a headliner in the Manderley Bar (McKittrick Follies @ Sleep No More).

Jenna creates work for stage and screen. She is currently co-writing the screenplay for a sci-fi film noir feature, Poisoning the Prophets, an adaptation of a dance-theatre murder mystery she and Tony Bordonaro created last year: Poisoning the Prophets (MNElements’ Emerging Choreographer Series – LPAC). Other recent original work/collaborations: Second Seed Project: Part 1, Jenna’s musical, sorta-one-woman show (Dixon Place); A House of Skin and Bone, workshop of the forthcoming full production (physical theatre collaboration with Nettles Artists Collective); Living Room, dance-theatre collaboration with Tony Bordonaro (UNDEREXPOSED! - Dixon Place).
Jenna can otherwise be found singing just about anywhere, dancing Cuban salsa where there's live timba, and writing - poetry, songs, and screenplays.